I can’t get enough of these net zero projection graphs!

“You see, starting from today we will build 20GW/yr of wind continuing forever”

“Cool, how much do you have today?”

“Almost none. But this is about THE FUTURE!”

Pure straight line projection fantasy from people who just learned how to use MS Excel…

Regarding messaging- maybe some appeal to Confucian philosophy may help? My suggestion is that while the roots of the NPPs may have been an authoritarian government, the power and wealth they have provided has allowed Taiwan to change and become a far more open society. It is natural to chafe against one’s elders, but better to respect what they were trying to accomplish on your behalf and try to do better moving forward.

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Don’t get me in trouble! If I dare suggest Confucian respect for the authoritarian regime I might actually get cancelled.

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Ha! Ok, well pretty clear that I don’t understand the local politics 😂.

I’m just trying to come up with inclusive ways of getting people to work together, but who am I kidding… it’s not like they would work in America either!

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AGREE 100% "Regarding messaging- maybe some appeal to Confucian philosophy may help? My suggestion is that while the roots of the NPPs may have been an authoritarian government, the power and wealth they have provided has allowed Taiwan to change and become a far more open society. It is natural to chafe against one’s elders, but better to respect what they were trying to accomplish on your behalf and try to do better moving forward." Once authoritarian government CCP CHINA#1 takes over, problem solved! and old saved & new nuclear built. The CCP anti-Nuclear for WEST only NRDC, has China CCP office to DESTROY West, and promote Uighur SLAVE Labor MFG Solar Panels . http://www.nrdc.cn/ Follow the $$$ of $$ 2.3 Billion/yr Anti-Nuclear industry.

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Most interesting. After the politicians get onboard, the population needs re-education giving them an update on all the changes and improvements to nuclear to head off protests.

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So true Cecile! It’s all about communication, something which they didn’t need to do in the authoritarian days, but which is a must for nuclear in a democracy.

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Energy security should trump Taiwanese politics. Keep nuclear running there!

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